Decreased incidence of EPCR 4678G/C SNP in multiple myeloma patients with thrombosis

Athina- Paraskevi Dri, Marianna Politou, Argyri Gialeraki, Tina Bagratuni, Nikos Kanellias, Evangelos Terpos

Patients with Multiple Myeloma (MM) have an increased risk of thrombosis [1]. The underlying pathogenetic mechanism has not been fully elucidated. Several disease-specific factors have been implicated in the pathogenesis of hypercoagulation. Apart from non specific factors (age, immobility, comorbidities), qualitative and quantitative defects in coagulation and fibrinolytic factors, acquired protein C resistance, as well as high proinflammatory cytokine levels are considered as triggering factors …

Thrombosis Research 132 (2013) 400–401

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